How is electrification going to turn out in the future?
In like a Lion out like a Lamb? How is electrification going to turn out in the future? I am still baffled that so many manufacturers are going “all in” on electric cars. First of all, does anyone understand what its going to take to try and supply all the batteries? Are you understanding how much earth will be dug up in order to go all-electric? I was told not too long ago by a former CEO that the rabbit hole will never fill up with the money sent down into it; the bigger problem is that they won’t face the truth or maybe let pride get in the way…that the cart was put way too far in front of the horse way too fast. I’m all about a cleaner earth but there is a right way and wrong way to go about it. The electric cars are starting to pile up and not much end in site. Let’s slow this train down and let consumers decide – not anyone else – just like it has always been. If a car doesn’t sell, you start making changes, not adding to something few are willing to buy. The tax credits should go away and let the consumers that can afford them buy them without taxpayer dollars, considering the government is broke $$$. I’ve been in the Auto Industry a long time and have seen manufacturers make great decisions on what to build and what not to build. Leave it to the consumers to decide to help the manufacturers meet our wants and needs without outside interference and mandates.
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